Women In Colour
an article by Definition Magazine
The full published Women In Colour article can be read here by Definition Magazine;
Definition Magazine – Women in Colour – Pages 1 and 2
Definition Magazine – Women in Colour – Pages 3 and 4
I am absolutely honoured to be included in Definition magazines latest feature, ‘Women In Colour’ next to some very VERY talented individuals from across the globe! You can read the full interview below

How did you get to where you are today?
‘Colourist…what is that?’. I get asked this question a lot. I asked the same question when I first stumbled across the profession. Trapsing around London with a handfall of printed CVs, I was knocking down the doors of Soho’s finest post production houses when I was lucky enough to meet Thomas Urbye at The Look – a boutique finishing house.
After one month of unpaid work experience along side Thomas and his clients I was hooked. The life of a colourist, locking yourself away in a dark room, telling a story with colours on a screen, I decided this was the career for me.
Over a period of four years I worked in numerous post production houses as a runner and later as an assistant colourist. I was given the opportunity to shadow colourists and be mentored in my spare time. I spent every available lunch time and evening practicing the craft, being taught by some of the best colourists in London. Notably I managed to get some unpaid work experience at Technicolor with Peter Doyle (Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Matrix – the list goes on).
One particular role at Air Post gave me the opportunity to use the Blackmagic’s DaVinci Resolve grading suite, it allowed me to take on my own small projects. Using Mandy.com (a fantastic resource connecting people starting out across the industry) I took on unpaid work, helping me to build a portfolio.
It was in 2015 that I decided it was time to take the jump. I found a small studio for rent in my local town of Leigh-on-Sea, purchased some eye wateringly expensive equipment, painted the walls 18% grey and prayed that I would manage to land some jobs. Luckily, I did! Setting up a studio outside of London was always a risk, but working in my home town, being situated next to the sea in a quaint fishing village (recently voted the happiest place to live in the UK) has afforded me a work life balance that will see me through all of my future aspirations, including starting a family. I still love my freelance trips working in London but coming home to my seaside studio always makes me smile.

What tools do you use and why?
Blackmagic’s DaVinci Resolve is my tool of choice. Straightforward and reliable it allows me to focus on creating the colours rather than using the equipment. I was lucky enough to be selected by Blackmagic as one of the first people to use the Mini Panel and was offered one for free.
What’s it like to be a woman in the industry today?
Sadly it’s hard to list many female colourists off the top of my head, but the situation is changing for the better. Women in TV and Film is a fabulous organisation recognising the crucial role women play in the industry as well as championing greater balance. I have been involved in several female only projects which I think is a sign that things are changing. Both sexes enjoy film and tv, it only makes sense that both sexes are included in its creation. And afterall, it is scientifically proven that women can actually distinguish more colours and shades than men – men and women really do see things differently.
My advise for aspiring colourists would be: don’t afraid to ask – free work experience and mentoring helped me break though, never turn down an opportunity to network, and don’t underestimate the word of mouth.